Native American students have always been under-represented at many colleges, and universities in the United States of America. American Indians or Native Americans face a unique set of issues and problems in gaining access to college education or higher education. There are few other Native Americans with extreme poverty and lower income levels who have limited access to educational resources. Even though these students have strong desire to get a degree or higher education and they are eager to learn and grow, they are unable to fulfill their desires because of their inability to pay school dues even if they get help from financial aid. To support these students financially, many colleges, universities, and organizations offer Native American Scholarships. These scholarships and grants offer full scholarships, financial aid, and grants that help Native American women and other scholarships and grants are for minority students in general. Reservations and educational professionals are also short in many communities and so education is of great concern for American Indians or Native American communities.
Top Scholarship Options
Top Native American Scholarships includes;
- Generation google scholarship
- Osage national higher education scholarship
- Jackie robinson foundation scholarship
- Chickasaw nation grants and scholarships
- College horizon program
- American Indian education fund undergraduate scholarship
- Catching the dream scholarship
- American Indian education fund graduate scholarship
- Goldman sachs MBA fellowship
Upcoming Scholarship Opportunities
- AAIA Elizabeth and Sherman Asche memorial scholarship
- Gates scholarship
- Full circle scholarship
Financial Aid Tips for Students
FAFSA, abbreviated as free application for federal student aid, is the essential step that includes the financial aid application process to be completed by all eligible Native American students who wish to apply for Native American scholarships. It allows you to access need based financial aids and grants including work stud, federal student loans, and other grants. After completing the application process, submission of a CSS profile is important which is required by few of the colleges, universities, or institutes. You have to check for the application process if the selected college requires this CSS profile. Deadline for a CSS profile will also vary by school or college, and by type of the application you are going to submit. At the end, you are required to apply for college merit scholarships. Do not ignore specific scholarships options offered by your prospective college or university. These grants and financial aid opportunities are typically renewable for degree programs of colleges so they are very valuable for students seeking Native American scholarships. Application deadline and eligibility criteria varies for each school or college so you have to check with the selected institute for all application process details and guidelines.
Full Circle or Tribal College Scholarships
The American Indian College Fund provides scholarships to American Indian and Native American college students who are seeking undergraduate or graduate degrees at tribal colleges, accredited schools, or non-profit organizations. If you are eligible to apply for these scholarships, go to the school with a digital photo of yourself, tribal affiliation, and transcripts. If you are rejected, you will get a refusal intimation by email.