Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Since the handgun is such an easy and convenient weapon to carry, it makes perfect sense that street officers and plainclothes detectives use it every day. It is true that there has been much discussion and debate about pistol selection, however, there has been much less discussion about your options for holsters.

In addition to what you carry in and how you use it, you should find that what you carry in and how you use it are just as equally important. When an engagement becomes possible, keeping the handgun out of the hands of the bad guy must become a priority as soon as possible. If you have a good holster, then you’ll be protected from the bad guy; however, if you have a poor holster, you may be left vulnerable.

It is quite common for police officers on the street as well as those carrying handguns in plain sight to carry their weapons on their belts. In the struggle between the officer and the attacker to retain the visible gun, the assailant may become attracted to it and may decide to take it. The Level II holster is by far the best choice if you want to conceal a firearm while wearing it on a belt in plain sight.

Level II holsters are capable of providing two levels of retention. Guns can be secured in a variety of ways depending on the level of safety you need. To draw quickly and smoothly you need to do two things. Firstly, you need to break your thumb (by pressing a button or pulling a velcro tab), and secondly, you must perform a rocking motion or tacticle motion to disengage the internal locking mechanisms. The tacticle action can also prevent the attacker from holding the gun once the thumb break has been breached.

There are literally hundreds of different types of holsters available. There are a number of pistols made nowadays, including Glock, Sig Sauer, Beretta, and Smith & Wesson, that are equipped with these parts. In order to draw a gun smoothly and quickly out of a Level II holster, a great deal of practice is needed. In order to get the hang of using a generic holster quickly, regardless of whether the holster is made of leather, synthetic, or Kydex polymer, you need to practice navigating two layers of retention.

Consider the possibility of having a custom made holster made for your firearm. It shouldn’t matter if you are a plainclothes detective who keeps his gun hidden or if you want to conceal carry while off duty, you should still give priority to the holster’s fit, especially if this prevents the gun from printing through the clothing and making you a liability.

The term “custom” does not necessarily indicate holsters made to order, despite the fact that there are many private holster makers. There are several manufacturers of police holster lines that meet higher standards of specifications and use better materials, such as Galaco, Safariland, Bianchi, and High Noon. Those who pay extra attention to fit and finish will eventually find that the rig fits better to their belts, bodies, and guns once it has been broken in.

Better tolerances in manufacturing allow for a smoother action that penetrates the two retention levels, resulting in a fast, confident draw on target.

In the case of custom lines, you would find something similar to what would be found in a gunmaker or an automaker. It is no coincidence that the police shooting competition uses 1911s made by Springfield Armory and Kimber Custom Shops in the same way that race-car drivers prefer Mercedes Benz AMG cars.

The rifle holsters offered by Safariland and Galco can cost as much as 50% more than their own lines of “generic” lines for the same pistol, but it is important to consider these holsters as well. Those who want to gain every advantage against the bad guys are serious practitioners.

In a public or off-duty situation, the ability to quickly draw your gun and present it is universally important, regardless of if you are carrying it concealed or in plain sight.

I strongly believe that you should consider this holster if you are looking for a superior fit, finish, and attention to detail in your holster. The holsters that are approved by your agency or commanding officer can be checked if you are not sure what they are. Depending on the price difference, they may be worth it.

By Manali

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