Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

The experience of periods is entirely subjective. Some women and girls get periods that do not faze them; they are just a minor inconvenience for this very tiny and extremely lucky subset of females.

For others, periods are a war zone. The turbulence starts with the onset of the PMS symptoms, bringing in mood swings, fragile emotions, migraines, food cravings, sleep changes, digestive problems, and of course, cramps in their wake.

Similarly, the flow and duration of the periods is also subjective; some women may have longer cycle than the rest, otherwise might have lighter flow.

However, there are certain problems associated with periods that cannot be considered normal, no matter what your period experience is. These then require the intervention of your Gynecologist in Islamabad. Signs you must watch out for include:

Heavy bleeding

Heavy bleeding can take an extreme toll for the women. It not only causes problems with the constant changing of the period paraphernalia, making women extra conscious, but is also extremely draining as well. If you have need to change your pad every hour, then it’s a matter for concern.

Also known as menorrhagia, heavy bleeding also leads to iron-deficiency anemia; naturally, when you lose so much blood, it will have impact on your iron levels. It also then causes symptoms of anemia that include shortness of breath, fatigue etc.

There are many causes for heavy bleeding. Adenomyosis and endometriosis, conditions remarked by growth of uterine tissue on the outside of the uterus, can cause this problem.

Similarly, fibroids and bleeding disorders can also be behind the heavy flow. Cancer, pregnancy problems, hormonal problems can also cause the heavy flow. IUD, especially during the first year, also leads to heavier flow.

Bleeding between periods

If you have periods between periods, then that is not a good sign. While it can happen occasionally, and that is okay, however, if it is a regular, then you should visit your doctor. If you are changing your birth control, you may expect some bleeding.

The probable causes of spotting between including cervical cysts, endometriosis, changes in hormones due to puberty or perimenopause, pelvic inflammatory disease, benign uterine cysts, PCOs, STDs, pregnancy, cancer of the reproductive system, vaginal injury etc.

Hence, do not make lightly of the situation.

Periods that will not stop

The general length of the cycle is 21 to 35 days, and if it’s out of this range, then it’s a cause for concern. It is okay for girls just starting periods, or menopausal women,  to have such irregularities with periods.

Otherwise, this is not normal, especially when the change occurs from one month to another. Conversely, if the periods become too short out of the blue, then that also merits a visit to the doctor.

Digestive problems

Some women have changes in their stool pattern and appearance during periods. However, if that is not the case with you, and if you are having diarrhea and vomiting with periods, then do consult a doctor. It may be a sign of pelvic inflammatory disease.

Extreme cramps

To expect some cramps is natural, as your uterus undergoes contraction to push out the lining that is being removed in this process. Cramps may be a part of PMS routine and may also be present during the initial days of periods.

However, having severe cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, is also a cause for concern. Some women have such painful episodes, that they are unable to get through and perform their routine chores. Others might require strong painkillers for to get through the day.

There are many reasons for having painful periods. Some of the problems include adenomyosis, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, and some STDs might also cause cramps. Hence, if the cramps are getting too much for you to bear, you must enlist the help of the Best Gynecologist in Lahore.

By Manali