Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Fortunately, and certainly not before time, these days men are no longer judged for actively and openly wanting to improve their physical appearance; and it is no longer seen as a sign of weakness and femininity if they moisturize their face, use specialist shampoos, and generally pamper themselves on a regular basis.

Furthermore, cosmetic surgical procedures, while they used to be largely reserved for women (or appeared to be in the media), are now becoming ever more popular with males of all ages. With that being said, continue reading to learn of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures for men in 2022.

Chin Augmentations

Proportion is important in the aesthetic appearance of the face and as people get older (and particularly in men) the chin and jaw can appear broader and less structured over time.

Additionally, if an individual has a weaker and less-defined jawline, older males can often experience a loss of definition between the chin and the neck and this is when a chin augmentation is recommended for those who want a change.

Neck Lifts

Another incredibly popular cosmetic surgical procedure amongst men, both in the United States and across the world, is that of a neck lift, with the most common reasons for choosing such a procedure ranging from anything to visible appearance to a practical and physical issue with dress shirts and ties feeling comfortable.

A neck lift is nearly always a simple outpatient procedure and basically involves a small incision behind the ears and another incision under the chin. The surgeon will then tighten the muscle through each incision and remove any sagging skin in and around the neck area.

Eyelid Surgery

Both men and women alike experience natural signs of aging, especially in and around the eye area and therefore eyelid surgery—which medical professionals refer to as a blepharoplasty—is common amongst both sexes.

Essentially, eyelid surgery from prestigious and renowned clinics is a simple and straightforward procedure—usually conducted under local anesthetic—to remove any excess skin tissue and fat from the eyelids. Men who have significantly drooping and lowered eyelids may often opt to combine their eyelid surgical procedure with an eyebrow lift as well, in order to maximize their results. Click here for more information of this extremely beneficial yet simple procedure.


One exceedingly common cosmetic surgical procedure amongst men from a 2019 study is that of a rhinoplasty, which concentrates on the nose.

Often, a rhinoplasty is also conducted at the same times as a chin augmentation in order to ensure that the facial proportions are correct and in keeping with the rest of the patient’s features. Usually, during a rhinoplasty, a cut is administered between the nostrils or in some rarer cases, tiny cuts are made inside the nostrils themselves. The latter is referred to as a closed rhinoplasty and offers the added benefit of leaving virtually no visible scars or marks on the skin once it has healed.

By Manali