Thu. Mar 13th, 2025
Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board NOC

Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board NOC is a document that authorizes a company to operate its business in India, without any hassle from the authorities.

Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board NOC is required for any kind of project or industry. It is an important document that will help you to get your project started without any delay.

The process of obtaining APPCB NOC can be difficult and time-consuming if you do not know what steps to take and how to go about it. You must be aware of the procedures and guidelines that are followed by this authority before applying for APPCB NOC.

Supporting Documents required For Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board NOC

  1. Map indicating the site location with approach road including adjacent areas on all four sides duly marking nearby Villages, Water Tanks (Cheruvus / Kuntas ), Forests, Other sensitive areas like Hospitals, Schools, Temples, etc.
  2. The site layout plan
  3. Topo plan duly marking the location of the industry
  4. Detailed process description along with a Flow Chart indicating sources of wastewater generation, air emissions, hazardous waste generation
  5. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Industries/ Activities
  6. Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Environmental Management Plan (EMP) report. A Copy of Environmental Clearance (EC) obtained from MoE&F, GoI/ SEIAA, Hyderabad
  7. In case of expansion: Latest Analysis reports of Stack, AAQ,

Processing Timeline

  1. 7 days for Green
  2. 15 days for Orange
  3. 21 days for Red

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Categories of Industries/Projects/Activities of Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board NOC

The Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board has categorized industries and projects under 4 categories.

  1. Orange Category – Industries/Projects/Activities, which are likely to cause pollution in the environment beyond permissible limits.
  2. Red Category – Industries/Projects/Activities, which are likely to cause serious environmental pollution beyond permissible limits.
  3. White Category – Industries/Projects/Activities, which are unlikely to cause environmental pollution beyond permissible limits.
  4. Green Category – Industries/Projects/Activities that have been granted temporary permission for conducting operations for a limited period of time for certain reasons like construction activities etc.,

How To Get Consent To Establish And Operate Industry

 The consent to establish and operate an industry is a legal document issued by the government of India, that gives permission to set up an industry. The main purpose of this document is to ensure that the environment is protected from damage caused by any industrial activity.

The government may also impose conditions for this consent, in order to protect the local ecosystem and environment. The industries are required to follow these conditions strictly in order to avoid any kind of fine or penalty.

Consent to Establish & Consent to Operate

  • A Consent to Establish is the first step in obtaining a building permit. It is issued by the building department once the plans have been reviewed and approved by the city staff. The consent to establish form is completed by the applicant and stamped by the Building Inspector.
  • A Consent To Operate is issued after a building permit has been issued and construction has begun. The application for this consent must be filed by the owner of the record or his/her authorized representative within 30 days after completion of work covered by the permit.

By Manali