Mon. Feb 17th, 2025
authorized vehicle scrapping facility

Vehicle scrapping is the process of recycling old, damaged, wrecked, or unwanted vehicles. It is a form of recycling, which both public and private organizations can carry out. In this process, the vehicle parts are separate from the rest of the vehicle and sold to junkyards. This can be done by mechanical means or by hand. In this article, we are going to discuss how to start an authorized vehicle scrapping facility

  • Vehicle Scrapping Company: Vehicle scrapping companies use different methods to recycle vehicles. The most common method used is mechanical recycling where a machine tears apart the vehicle into small pieces and separates them from each other. This method is not very efficient in separating metals from plastics and other materials, but it does save time when compared to manual recycling techniques. If you have a large number of vehicles to scrap then mechanical techniques can be very useful as it saves time and money as well as reduce pollution from burning or burying waste materials

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  • Manual Recycling Techniques: In manual vehicle recycling techniques, workers are require to manually separate out different materials from each other using their hands or tools like screwdrivers or chisels, etc

The important thing that needs to be followed:

When you’re an authorized vehicle scrapping facility, you are require to follow certain regulations and laws. These rules help ensure your customers have a safe experience in your facility.

  • You should also follow these regulations so that you don’t get in trouble with the state or local government agencies. Here are some of the basic rules that apply to all vehicle scrap yards:
  • You must have a permit from the state where you operate.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, You must post signs at each entrance alerting customers that they are entering an automotive recycling facility.

Which vehicle qualifies for scrapping?

Private cars older than 20 years and commercial vehicles older than 15 years will deregister under the Vehicle Scrappage Policy 2021. Moreover, that Re-registration is possible for automobiles that pass the test. However, automobiles that fail the test must scrap.

Steps to set up a vehicle dismantling facility in India

  1. Step 1: Get the required permissions from the local authorities
  2. Step 2: Obtain the land for the vehicle dismantling plant
  3. And Step 3: Obtain all statutory approvals for the project
  4. Step 4: Get the necessary licenses and permits from government agencies
  5. Step 5: Purchase land, machinery, and equipment required to dismantle vehicles at your plant.

Conditions of Eligibility for authorized vehicle scrapping facility

 Conditions of eligibility for authorized vehicle scrapping facility:

  1. The applicant should be a manufacturer, supplier, or dealer of motor vehicles or a registered dealer of second-hand motor vehicles.
  2. The applicant should have sufficient production capacity to handle the proposed vehicle scrap.
  3. After that, the Applicant should have sufficient storage space and manpower to handle the proposed vehicle scrap.
  4. The applicant should have adequate facilities to segregate the waste material generated during the vehicle scrapping process and dispose of it safely without polluting the environment.
  5. The applicant should have proper equipment and machinery to dismantle the vehicle and separate different components like tires, batteries, etc., How to start an authorized vehicle scrapping facility

By Manali