Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Many people mistakenly believe that potatoes are linked to weight gain and the obesity epidemic. Baked potato in oven is good for your body and can be used to combat malnutrition around the globe.

You can also influence the health and nutrition of potatoes by how you prepare them.

This article discusses the health benefits of baking potatoes.

Information About The Nutrition Of Baked Potatoes

You can get good health with potatoes because they have many macronutrients as well as micronutrients.

One medium-sized baked potato with the skin on weighs approximately 173g and contains the following nutrients.

  • Calories: 161
  • Carbohydrates: 37 grams
  • Fiber: 3.8 grams
  • Protein: 4.3 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • 25% of the daily vitamin B6 value (DV)
  • Potassium accounts for 26% in the DV
  • Vitamin C: 27% DV
  • Folate: 12 % of DV
  • Magnesium is 12% of DV

Potatoes are high-carb foods with low levels of protein and very little fat.

They mainly come from two kinds of starches: Amylopectin and Amylose. Your body can easily digest amylopectin while amylose is difficult to break down. This resistant starch provides potatoes with many of their health benefits.

A fair amount of fiber is also found in potatoes, most notably their skin.

People tend to not think of potatoes in terms of high-protein foods. But, they are because they contain essential amino acids.

Health Benefits

Here are some of the health benefits of baked potatoes.

May Help Control Hunger

Potatoes are very filling and can help you to control your appetite.

Studies show that potatoes actually make you feel fuller than other carb-rich foods.

Could Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Potatoes are an excellent source of potassium-resistant starch.

The body is unable to break down resistant starches. This is why it works in a similar way to dietary fiber: it lowers blood glucose levels and makes insulin work more efficiently.

Resistance starch can also help lower the glycemic index (GI). The GI indicates how carb-rich foods can affect blood sugar levels.

High-GI foods can quickly raise blood sugar, while low-GI foods can raise it slowly and steadily.

Although freshly cooked potatoes are high in GI, those that have been frozen have a lower GI. This is due to a process known as “starch Retrogradation,” which makes starches less digestible when they are cold.

Other than temperature, potatoes’ resistance starch levels are affected by how they are prepared. Research has shown that baked potatoes have a higher resistance to starch than those cooked in boiling water.

Participants had lower blood sugar levels 90 minutes after a meal when they ate baked potatoes in place of French fries, mashed potatoes, or white bread.

Potassium found in potatoes can help increase insulin sensitivity and production.

Baking potatoes have more potassium than boiling them because the potassium escapes from the potato and goes into the water.

Other Benefits

Other benefits of baked potatoes include:

  • Greater heart health. The resistant starch and protein in potatoes could lower blood cholesterol, which is a risk factor for heart disease.
  • Improved digestive health. Butyrate is created when starch in baked potato doesn’t get broken down. This short-chain, fatty acid is great for gut health.
  • It may be helpful in fighting cancer. Baking potatoes with antioxidants may prevent cancer growth and increase the speed of death.

By Manali