Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Water is a source of life, and yet, in many parts of the United States, water is being contaminated at an alarming rate. This contamination can be caused by a number of different factors, but the result is always the same: people are exposed to potentially harmful substances.

Almost every state of the country is plagued with the presence of contaminants in the water systems. In fact, 324 contaminants have been found in the country’s water systems since 2019, as per the Environmental Working Group (EWG). 

These contaminants are a direct indication of how many Americans are exposed to harmful substances such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and uranium when they drink tap water. And these chemicals can lead to severe health conditions such as cancer, organ damage, and reproductive issues.

While the government is working hard to provide safe drinking water for all citizens, it’s important for each of us to do our part and practice good hygiene, as well. In this article, we’ll explain what you can do if you’re concerned about the growing menace of contaminated water. 

Use Testing and Filtration for Drinking Water

If you live in an area that has been affected by contaminated water, you may be worried about the health risks it poses.

The best way to protect yourself is to use testing and filtration for drinking water. Testing your water will help you know for sure whether or not it is safe to drink, and filters can help remove any contaminants from your water so that it is safe to drink.

Americans can use water purifier systems for testing and filtration. These systems are designed to test the quality of the water coming into their homes, as well as remove any dangerous bacteria or viruses that could cause illness if consumed.

Today, water purifiers are in high demand across the United States. Factors like rising awareness about the potential health hazards of contaminated water, high disposable income, a surge in water-borne diseases, and others are acting as the catalysts of the rising demand for these systems. 

According to Fortune Business Insights, the U.S. water purifier market would grow massively over the years, with an expected valuation of $6.12 billion in 2022 to $9.10 billion by 2029. These figures indicate that Americans are increasingly concerned about the safety of their drinking water and that they’re willing to invest in filters that can help keep them safe from contaminants.

Act Responsibly Around Water Sources

One of the biggest ways to prevent health risks from contaminated water is to act responsibly around your local water sources. When you use a water source, it’s important to ensure that you don’t contaminate it with anything that could make it unsafe for human consumption.

This can be as simple as making sure your hands are clean before you touch the water source or making sure that any food you have is disposed of properly. You should also make sure that no animals are near the water source when you’re using it because they can also contaminate it.

When you do need to use a water source, make sure that there isn’t anything in it before you start drinking or doing any other activities with it. This includes dirt and debris from animals who may have been using the same area, as well as humans who may have left trash behind them. 

If there are signs of contamination, such as an animal’s feces, blood from an animal, or human bleeding after being injured nearby this area, then do not use this particular source.

The Camp Lejeune Water Contamination is a prime example of how not acting responsibly around water sources could cause large-scale suffering. For many years, residents of Camp Lejeune consumed contaminated water. After being exposed to contaminated water, many people have suffered from debilitating illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, kidney disease, and leukemia, all linked with exposure to these chemicals.

However, those affected by this contamination filed a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit against the government in order to receive compensation for their losses and pain caused by negligence by authorities at Camp Lejeune.

Awareness and Education Are the Keys

The average American family utilizes over 300 gallons of water every day at home, per the US Environmental Protection Agency. That’s a lot, but it also means that it’s important to be aware of how you use your water and take steps to conserve it.

But what happens when the water you’re using isn’t safe? In many cases, contaminated water can lead to severe health conditions. Contaminants like lead, bacteria, and parasites can make their way into your drinking water and cause everything from nausea to death.

Awareness and education are key when it comes to tackling the issue of contaminated water and ensuring your health and well-being. One way you can do this is by knowing where our drinking water comes from and how it gets treated before it reaches our taps. You can find out where your water comes from by looking at your utility bill or checking with your local government agency.

If you’re concerned about the quality of your tap water, it’s important to know what contaminants might be lurking in your system and how many of them there are. For example, if you live near a fracking site or industrial park, there may be higher levels of chemical contaminants in your drinking water than in other regions around the country.

If you suspect a problem with your drinking water supply, contact your local health department immediately for guidance on what should be done next.

Express Your Support for Clean Water Programs

Let’s face it; water is a big deal. It is essential to our health and well-being, which means we should all be doing everything we can to protect it.

Supporting initiatives for clean water can help you achieve this. For instance, the 2022–2027 U.S. The Global Water Strategy was jointly introduced by USAID and the Department of State. In accordance with the 2022-2027 Strategy, USAID has increased its goal and promised to provide 22 million more people with access to clean water and sanitation during the timeline. 

Clean water programs like this are important because they help eliminate health risks associated with contaminated water, which include diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, and hepatitis A.

These programs will improve lives globally by eliminating the health risks of contaminated water and improving health outcomes for millions of people worldwide. Supporting these programs will also help protect our environment because clean water helps prevent pollution from entering our water supply which means less pollution in our lakes and oceans.

Moreover, supporting programs like these can help eliminate the perils of contaminated water because they provide people with access to clean water sources and sanitation facilities through improved hygiene practices such as hand washing or using toilets instead of open defecation sites.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the benefits of effectively responding to contaminated water are countless. Whether you’re a community organizer, a local business owner, or just a concerned citizen, you can make a difference by taking action and spreading the word.

By Manali