Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Fungal and bacterial skin infections are common in dogs. While they may be uncomfortable or unsightly, they’re not necessarily dangerous if you catch them early on. However, these infections can spread throughout your dog’s body and cause more severe health problems if left untreated. Knowing how to spot an infection in its early stages is essential to treat it before it becomes more serious.

In this article, we will cover how to recognize fungal and bacterial infections in dogs’ skin and ears and how these conditions are treated using conventional methods like antibiotics or natural remedies such as essential oils or probiotics. We also discuss some of the possible causes of skin and ear infections in dogs and what can trigger them so that you will know what to look out for.

What Are Bacterial and Fungal Skin/Ear Infections?

Skin infections, also known as dermatitis, can be caused by many factors. Some dogs get bacterial or fungal infections on their skin like any other animal does. The most common types of bacterial skin infections are caused by staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. Different types of bacteria could also be the culprit behind a skin infection, but these two are the most common causes.

Fungal infections on your dog’s skin can be more challenging to treat than bacterial ones because it takes longer for them to go away, and they’re more complicated for you to get rid of them yourself, especially if you don’t know what kind of fungus is causing your pet’s discomfort in the first place.

What Causes Skin and Ear Infections?

Skin and ear infections affect dogs of all ages. Some dogs are more prone to getting them than others. Dogs with allergies or immune system problems are at a higher risk of developing skin and ear infections, as are overweight pets or those who spend lots of time outside in the heat or cold. 

According to a Frontiers report, around 60–70% of obese patients develop a variety of skin changes, and pets are no different.

Many bacterial and fungal infections can be treated with a topical medication such as Neosporin, Polysporin, or other antibiotic ointments. However, your vet may recommend a stronger prescription cream if the infection is particularly severe.

How Are Skin and Ear Infections Diagnosed?

Skin infections are usually diagnosed by examining the skin. If your dog has an ear infection, your veterinarian may need to examine the ear with a lighted magnifying glass or a microscope to diagnose it. According to AKC, as many as 20% of dogs have some form of ear disease.

For certain types of infections, your veterinarian will also order blood tests and possibly even take a biopsy so that he can identify what type of bacteria or fungus is causing the problem.

How Are Skin and Ear Infections Treated? 

According to Reports and Data, due to the growing number of pets and increasing pollution, the global canine atopic dermatitis market size is projected to touch $1,998.9 Million in 2028. Antibiotics and antifungal medications are the most common treatments for bacterial and fungal infections.

You can give these treatments topically or orally. Oral medications are more effective than topical medications, but they have some side effects that may not make them suitable for your dog.

If you choose to use a topical treatment like Tresaderm, apply it regularly to keep the infection at bay. Suppose your dog has a severe or chronic infection. In that case, it might take longer than expected to clear up entirely, even after following your vet’s instructions carefully and dressing their wounds as directed.

Preventing Skin and Ear Infections in Pets

To prevent bacterial or fungal skin and ear infections in your dog, you must pay attention to its environment. Dogs who live in clean houses are less likely to develop these types of infections than dogs who live in dirty places.

  • Clean your dog’s ears regularly. It is crucial if you have a dog with long fur because it can easily collect dirt and debris and become infected that way.
  • Keep your dog’s nails trimmed frequently. If they’re too long, they can cause painful injuries for your pet when they walk on hard surfaces like tile or concrete floors. And even more importantly, if they scratch themself or another animal/person.
  • Ensure you clean their fur by brushing them regularly and bathing them every couple of weeks. Be sure not to use products containing alcohol or other drying agents that could irritate his skin. Instead, opt for moisturizing shampoos like baby shampoo to not strip away necessary oils from their coat.
  • Put down fresh bedding every time they lie down somewhere new. It will help keep germs from spreading around too much while preventing odors caused by dirty bedding from building up over time.

Bacterial and Fungal Infections Can Be Treated With the Same Medication

The active ingredient in Tresaderm is a broad-spectrum antibiotic called enrofloxacin. You can use this medication to treat bacterial and fungal infections in dogs, and it’s one of the most effective treatments for both types of infections. If your dog has a skin or ear infection causing pain, it’s essential to get them proper treatment immediately.


This article covers the most common causes of bacterial and fungal skin infections in dogs. If you think your dog may have a skin or ear infection, you must visit your veterinarian as soon as possible so they can diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment. By recognizing the signs of an infection early on and taking appropriate action, many cases of these diseases can be successfully treated.

By Manali