Mon. Feb 17th, 2025
photo restoration

It’s the old tradition in families that the photos are transferred from generation to generation so that the memories would never be lost. Time always damages things so as with photographs. You might have noticed that your old photograph with your grandparents looks very weird after some years.

In such situations, you just want to bring back new life to the photographs so that they won’t get damaged with time. If you want a tool of Photo Restoration that can restore the old dying soul of photographs then you might have witnessed a lot of tools with high payments in the market.

We are introducing a tool that works in seconds and without any fee to restore the old photos. Imgkits is an online tool that works on artificial intelligence to bring back the old photos into new ones without any problem.

Tools of Photo Restoration

Imgkits has different tools of photo restoration to put a new life into the images. It works to restore the old memories in the best way so that they would remain new as they were. Different tools and services of photo restoration that are available on the website are listed below:

  • Unblur Image

Unblur image is the tool of photo restoration that works on artificial intelligence to clear the blurred part of an image. It makes a photograph more presentable and artificial intelligence also provides help to work a photograph.

  • Photo Colorizer

This tool of photo restoration works to put colors into the old photographs of black and white. Not only are the colors, it also works on the trending black and white filter and provides black and white photos according to the desire. 

  • Image Upscaler

Image upscaler is a tool that works on the quality of a photograph for better representation. The tool enhances the resolution of an image and changes it to a high-resolution photograph without affecting its quality.

  • Scratch Repair

If you happen to put a scratch on your photograph accidentally and want to repair it then this tool is perfect for you. It works on artificial intelligence to detect the scratch and sharpen the colors by enhancing the face to make a better look of a photograph.

  • Defogging

Defogging is the unique tool of this website that works to enhance the view of a photograph. If you happen to click a photograph in the Haze or foggy day then this tool will restore the realistic view of an image by using artificial intelligence.

  • Photo Enhancer

If you want to enhance the colors of your photograph then the photo enhancer would be the best choice for you. This tool works on the colors and contrast of a photograph to make it better in its representation and make a memory more worthwhile. 

How to use Imgkits photo restoration?

There is only one process to use all the tools of photo restoration present on Imgkits. The steps are explained below:

  • A person needs to open up the official website and select the desired tool.
  • The next step is to upload the photo on the website for complete work.
  • The website works on a photograph in 5 seconds and after that, a person can download it.
  • The image would be in PNG format and is easy to share everywhere.


We all face different conditions in which our favorite photo gets ruined due to different reasons. In such a situation, a person only wants a tool that can easily restore the old memory for a time and the professionalism remains the same. Imgkits is the most recommended website containing different tools of photo restoration according to the desires of the user.

By Manali