Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

It can be easy to feel naked when you’re using the internet, especially if you are ordering something online. You might get a little nervous or don’t like the thought of someone snooping around on your personal information. We live in that kind of world now, a world where there is always some news sorry about bad actors trying to still your personal information or data.

It might be one thing if you are using public Wi-Fi and get caught out, but what if you’re using your own internet? Does that feeling go away? For many of them, it doesn’t. This is because the internet is so vast that attackers can go unnoticed for some time before you catch on to them. It can leave you feeling a little paranoid. To protect yourself from these intrusions or give yourself peace of mind, here are five things you can do to keep yourself safe even in your personal networks.

Use a quality VPN

NordVPN, AtlasVPN, Surfshark, and many more VPNs are available for us to use. A VPN is a virtual private network that allows you to create an encrypted connection to the internet. This means that your internet provider cannot see what you’re doing online. However, many people who use public Wi-Fi find that using a VPN can save them from potential dangers. 

Changing your password and updating your security software

We often need to remember to do this. We see the Windows update logo pop up, letting us know to update Windows, but we ignore it or wait to do it. But those updates have a purpose; they are there to ensure that we are updated with our security. It keeps our computers protected. 

It’s this same complacency that we have when we’re dealing with passwords. Many of us use the same password for everything. It only takes one breach, and the hacker as everything about you. Changing your password regularly and keeping up to date with your security software can help to keep you protected.

Go with a good internet service provider

While this step may seem basic, having a quality internet provider is crucial when it comes to keeping your connection safe, too. Not all providers are made equal, so ensuring you sign up for a service that promises reliability and security helps toward keeping your connection and devices safe. Companies like Gateway Fiber that serve areas such as St. Charles County offer information on the kind of services you should ideally be looking for when choosing a provider.

Use 2FA

Two Factor Authentication, or 2FA, ensures that you are protected. You provide two types of identification to access any system or service. It does this by adding another layer of security to the normal username and password combination. In addition to providing a username and password, you will need to add additional information, such as a code sent to your phone or email. There is an app that auto-generates these codes.

Secure devices with encryptions

Your computer isn’t the only thing you have to protect. We carry the internet around in our pockets – our mobile devices. However, there are ways to encrypt and safeguard your smartphone and computer. Encryption is a way to make sure your data is secure. There are a variety of software and protective measures put in place by modern smartphones that can help to encrypt your data and keep it protected. 

Create a Separate Guest Account and Personal Wi-Fi Networks

It can be tempting to share everything with friends and family, but it’s safe to keep your personal information away from frequently used spaces. This is why creating a guest account on your computer or Wi-Fi can help ensure you are safe. If they want to use your Wi-Fi or computer, they can use the guest account without you having to worry that you are exposed to any malicious attackers who will use the opportunity to get into your system. 

By Manali