Thu. May 16th, 2024

Parents can face a challenging time during their children’s preschool years. As every new day goes by, your kid appears to start new stages of development in each area of life, emotional, physical, spiritual, cognitive and creative. It can be an amazing time in many ways, but parents should always be aware of the great responsibility that represents taking care of a little human being, so as behavior changes start to arise it is crucial to pay attention to how the situation evolves, and take the necessary approach according to the discernment made as a couple, mom and dad. One of the great benefits of our current times is the availability of amazing resources, such as great childcare daily apps and experts’ guides that you can easily access on the internet, helping you navigate through the real deal of parenting, and this article is a great help to become a great leader and guide.

The bully

It is not a good feeling when you notice that your child is rude or annoys other kids, what you want to do here is to concentrate on connecting with their emotions. Why is your child mean to others? Is he/she perceiving some injustice? Right after you find out what the feelings are and validate their emotions, you will want to build empathy, so that they can learn the other people’s perspectives and accept different opinions and characters. Also, even if your kid is not a bully, they can at any moment experience tough situations of this kind, and it is a good idea that you prepare them beforehand, anticipating what may happen. Your kids should be self confident and stand for what is true and good in life, they should also be able to identify adults they can go to for help if any serious situation occurs.

Kids who bite

It is actually common to see preschoolers who bite, and the reason behind is that they are in a transition period and lack enough communication skills, for example when it comes to expressing feelings such as anger, sadness or frustration. And here, it is vital to teach your child that this is not an acceptable behavior, even if they do not talk very much, you should go ahead and explain that this is not OK and why. If the biting behavior persists, your kid will need constant supervision and constant feedback, so that they can accept the basic socializing 

The takeaway

It is pretty common to have a little one who is kind of a bully, likes to bite their mates or has issues when it is bedtime. If your kid is bossy or is not so good at making new friends, you need to understand that preschool age is a difficult stage for many toddlers, and there are many parents just like you trying to figure out how to be the best support for their children. Whether you are preparing to join your kids through their upcoming preschool years, or you are already facing some challenges, try to keep an open communication and be not afraid of asking for help through the available resources.

By Manali

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