Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

No matter whether you’re going to proceed with professional academic reports and others, a PDF is indicated as best format. This all occurs because PDF documents always preserves the formatting and layout of document, not at all depends on the Operating Systems and devices using on. Even the most appealing reason behind considering this format is that it is quite easy to create and even share, which reveals that the recipient only requires PDF reader to access it. However, the time comes when you’re going to share PDF through online platform, but it entirely restricts due to the large file size, suppose that it does not lets you proceed with 2MB file size. This is where you have to simply consider an online free PDF compressor that that takes minimal effort to decrease PDF document size without any quality loss.

Here you are going to explore few best-proven and easy to use free PDF file compressor that quickly shrink PDF sizes.

Remember That!

Well, there’s no any specific algorithm yet that helps you for compressing PDF document file size to 100 KB or below. All the Adobe PDF file sizes are fully dependent on the elements that contained within particular document file, you can easily reduce PDF sizes by removing those unnecessary elements. And another way to get free PDF compressor from source of theonlineconverter.com which lets you compress PDF size by using advanced compression mode while maintaining the original layout and quality.


Preview is indicated as an valuable built-in application for macOS that assists you to manage most aspects related to PDF documents. Even it works as free PDF compressor to make PDF file compression for free of cost within no time. It mainly using ‘Quartz Filter’ for decreasing PDF document file size.

You people just require to open Preview application and click on the given File’ -> ‘Export’ option that is provided on the menu bar. You can find here pop-window appears where you have to select “reduce file size” by using the Quartz Filter setting, which is provided under the Format setting.

Why Preview?

  • This native application for macOS is 100% free, which means feel hassle-free while using this PDF file compressing tool. It is said to be the fastest way to decrease one or more PDF files sizes on a mac


You can start using this expert’s choice free PDF compressor by theonlineconverter.com that was specifically created to reduce PDF file sizes. The most amazing thing about this PDF shrinker is that is loaded with different modes for PDF file compression that proceeded to provide you with high-quality results.

No matter whether you have single or multiple files to proceed with PDF compression, this free PDF file compressor never compromises on the quality. Just make the selection for PDF document files and upload them into the PDF file reducer, then hit compress and save compressed files at once by hitting the Download Zip button. Unlike others, this PDF file reducer lets you process multiple files for compression within the same day.

Why the online converter?

  • The most appealing reason for considering this web-dependent medium is that it lets you intact with original quality while compressing PDF document files. Even now you can proceed with 100% free no matter what compression mode you’re using for PDF reducing

Compress PDF for Mac:

Lighten Software did a great job by providing this best free PDF compressor to make the compression for PDFs on macOS. The upside is that here you can encounter different PDF compression options for an optimal outcomes. Just make a couple of clicks to reduce the images to low quality (50 dpi) if required, even now you could decrease PDFs while maintaining the image quality (600 dpi, high quality). So, this clearly indicates that it provided you with the balance between both image quality and PDF size compression.

Fetch its toolbox area and start drag and drop PDF files into it, you can find that your PDF file start decreasing with its default option. The good thing about this free PDF compressor is that it loaded with the file size and preview thew file right after compression is done. If PDF compression is still not according to your preferences, then make a selection with a lower quality and smaller dpi. And, quality of the image is not preferable, then all you need to proceed with higher quality and higher dpi settings.

Why Compress PDF for Mac?

  • This free PDF compressor is the quickest way that works best for controlling the PDF file reducing settings according to your preferences. You can make couple of taps to fetch your own optimal balanced of compression and quality


CelverPDF is the best medium in order to attain best PDF compression outcomes for free of cost. You just have to fetch free PDF compressor from CleverPDF.com, then make a selection for “Compress PDF” option and make a drag and drop for PDF document file that you aim to reduce. Now just wait for a bit until the PDF document file uploading process is terminated. Even you can process uploading from the sources of Dropbox or Google Drive. Now, you can see that this pdf file reducing tool will commence with decreasing your PDF file size.

Besides that, if the newly compressed file is not suitable for you, then you still have the opportunity for using different other PDF compressing options. Very next, you simply ought to wait for couple of seconds, this free PDF compressor will lets you to proceed with downloading the reduced PDF files swiftly and directly.

Why CleverPDF?

  • It is another free to use PDF compressor that not at all fetch your email or any other information that seem daunting for you. Even you can find that it supports all platforms, which means you never have to worrying about what platform is used to commence with PDF file compression. There you can be able to proceed with 20 other PDF tools that are 100% free

By Manali