Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Skin Tags

Skin tags are benign skin-colored growths that resemble a tiny, squishy balloon hung on a slender stalk and are commonly acquired. Skin tags are little, innocuous growths that can number in the hundreds. Skin tags affect both men and women in the same way. Obesity appears to be linked to the development of skin tags. Although some skin tags may fall out on their own, the majority of them do not. Acrochordon is the medical term for a skin tag. They’re also known as “skin tabs” by some.

Skin tags can be as little as a flattened pinhead-sized lump when they first appear. While the majority of skin tags are small (2 mm-5 mm in diameter) and around one-third to one-half the size of a pencil eraser, some can grow to be as huge as a large grape (1 cm in diameter) or a fig (5 cm in diameter) which leads people to look for skin tag removal.

Is There A Medical Term For Skin Tags?

A skin tag may be referred to as a fibroepithelial polyp, acrochordon, cutaneous papilloma, or soft fibroma by your doctor or dermatologist. All of these words refer to skin tags, which are painless benign (noncancerous) skin growths. These are also known as “skin tabs” or “warts” by certain people.

Skin tags can appear on any part of the body that is covered by skin. The neck and armpits, on the other hand, are the two most common locations for skin tags. Eyelids, upper chest (especially under the female breasts), buttock folds, and groin folds are also frequent places for skin tags to appear. Tags are supposed to form when skin brushes against itself or against clothing. Skin tags can form in regions where skin rubs against skin, such as the sides of the neck, in chubby babies. Tags can form on the upper eyelids of young toddlers, especially in areas where they rub their eyes. Friction and frequent skin rubbing from sports can cause tags in older children and preteens’ underarms.

Skin tags are most commonly found in the following places:

  • The back of the head
  • Underarms
  • Eyelids
  • Folds in the groin
  • Folds in the buttocks
  • beneath the breasts

Skin tags can affect anyone, but they are most frequent in adults.

Although tags are usually acquired (not present at birth) and can affect anyone, they are more common in adults.

Who is Prone to Developing Skin Tags?

Skin tags have been documented on more than half, if not all, of the general population at some point in their lives. Although tags are usually acquired (not present at birth) and can affect anyone, they are more common in adults. They are significantly more common in middle age, and their frequency tends to rise until the age of 60. Skin tags can occur in children and toddlers, especially in the underarm and neck areas. Overweight people are more likely to get skin tags.

Skin tags are more common in pregnant women, therefore hormone increases, such as those seen during pregnancy, may induce an increase in their production. Tags are largely innocuous and do not require treatment unless they are causing discomfort. Skin tags that are uncomfortable can be readily removed by a dermatologist during or after pregnancy.

Although skin tags are not usually linked to other disorders, there appears to be a subset of obese people who acquire a condition called acanthosis nigricans on the skin of their neck and armpits, as well as many skin tags, and are predisposed to high blood fats and sugar levels.

Some structures look like skin tags, but they aren’t. Skin tags are sometimes confused with accessory tragus and an accessory digit. If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, a pathological investigation with a biopsy of the tissue will help distinguish skin tags.

By Manali

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