Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Cloud services

Something that is surprising for many is that cloud computing has been around for quite a long time and even though it has been around for around 20 years, large swathes of the business community continue to ignore its potential and so they operate without it. Many people talk about planning to implement cloud computing solutions at some point in their business plan but many do not get around to doing it. The statistics are in and they suggest that companies that invest in cloud services tend to enjoy over 50% faster revenue growth than their closest competitors. This is a figure that your business cannot afford to ignore and so you need to be using this technology to run your business more efficiently, to serve your customers in a better manner and also increase your profits.

Many people say that it is not good to have your head in the clouds, but in this situation it is imperative that your business finds a cloud services provider that can contribute to keeping all of your business information, programs and your systems up and running at all times. The solution to all of your Internet platform issues is right there in front of you and it’s been around for such a long time. If you’re still not sold on the benefits of cloud computing for your business then maybe the following advantages of it can help you to make a better decision for your future.

  • It will save your business money – Many business owners refuse to switch to cloud computing because they are worried about the initial costs of doing so. However, you need to stop looking at this in the short term and rather consider the long-term factors of switching over. Once your business is using the cloud then it can gain very easy access to all of your company’s data which is going to save you an incredible amount of time and thus money. The other fantastic thing about cloud computing services is that they can operate on a kind of pay as you go scheme, so you only pay for the services and features that you use.
  • It offers better security – Security is incredibly important nowadays for all businesses and the mistake that many people make is that they wrongfully assume that your files and programs are more secure if they are kept on-site in an on-site server. The beauty about cloud computing is that a cyber criminal will find it much more difficult to hack into your information because unlike an in-house system, the cloud is monitored 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Most data theft occurs within the company and is generally carried out by employees. These cloud service providers use encryption which is much more difficult to access by hackers and anyone else who was not authorised to be on your system.

Cloud services provide you with much more flexibility and by relying on an external service provider to do everything for you, it allows you to concentrate on the core of your business which is increasing sales and generating profits.

By Manali